Data breaches can hit anyone! Check your accounts!

Check your transaction history frequently!
This is a reminder to be aware of what transactions post to your account. Check your online balances and pending transactions frequently. At the first sign of something that doesn’t look right or something that you don’t recognize, call your bank!
For the 5th time since last Christmas, I have been the victim of fraudulent transactions on my credit card and checking account.  Target, Michael’s, and Home Depot have all admitted to major data breaches with customer’s credit card information.  I’m sure that some were from those, others? I have no idea. I’m always very safe with my credit information, which goes to show that it can happen to anyone.
I’m in a battle right now with one bank because I was told that I am not guaranteed to get my money refunded to me, roughly $1,400. The thing that stings the most is that the money in this account is dedicated to my Entrepreneurship students and their small business project that runs every trimester.  This account was set up specifically for the grant money donated to my students from the Mansfield Education Foundation. This is the money that my students use to run their small businesses each trimester. This is the money that is used to make donations to local charities in need. Over the past 3 years, over $3,250 has been donated to various organizations out of this account. The thought of a stranger stealing money from my students like this is despicable.

If you do happen to find unfamiliar transactions, contact your bank immediately. To be safe, also check your credit report. You are allowed to access 3 credit reports each year FOR FREE, no strings attached, via This is the only site that is truly free and has no other strings attached.