It’s been a few weeks since I returned from the biggest EdTech event of the year, and I think it’s taken that long to process what the experience. I spent 6 days with my closest ~14,000 EdTech friends in Denver learning, connecting, and collaborating. So what are my 5 takeaways? Here they are in no particular order:
- Google everything! Just when you think that you’re doing a great job and taking advantage of the wonderful tools Google makes available, you learn about more! I spent most of my sessions reacquainting myself with GAFE tools, add-ons, and new uses for existing tools. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head of what I want to try in the new school year. Look out, students! Your lives are about to become Google-fied.
- ISTE is like a giant family reunion! You can reconnect with people from various parts of your professional life. It was so nice to see friends from the Twitterverse, Discovery Education, other ISTE affiliates, and so on. There’s no better feeling than hearing your name yelled across a sea of people because someone recognized you. In a crowd of ISTE attendees, that’s pretty amazing!
- You can meet your EdTech heroes! Where else do you get the opportunity to have breakfast with Alice Keeler? Or be in the same room as both George Couros and Alec Couros? ISTE makes all of that possible. I was also a little awe-struck when I met Sarah Thomas in the elevator. Talk about a fan-girl moment!
- The Affiliate Summit! Being able to meet and collaborate with representatives from the other ISTE affiliates was incredible. It was an honor to represent MassCUE and share what we do as an organization, while at the same time, learning about what other affiliates excel at.
- Old friends! Although this is not related to ISTE, I was very happy to meet up with an old friend from high school who lives in the Denver area. It had been roughly 9 years since we last saw each other in person, but it felt like no time had passed thanks to social media.
Here’s a sampling of my ISTE Denver photos!