A new student-led DonorsChoose project!

breakouteduI’m so excited to share this new student-led project with you! One of my students, a teaching assistant named Ryan, had the fun experience of participating in two “escape rooms” this summer. He had the great idea of bringing that type of a challenge to the classroom, which just happened to coincide with something that I have been wanting to try out . . .

BreakoutEDU (watch the video at that link) has taken classrooms by storm! Small groups of students are presented with a box locked with a hasp and multiple padlocks. Through a series of puzzles, riddles, and challenges, students discover the codes to unlock each padlock and access the final clue and treats inside the box. BreakoutEDU games teach teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, and troubleshooting skills. Students must demonstrate understanding of course material to solve the clues that unlock the various locks. They become immersed in the activity and must work together to achieve their goal of opening the box.

Ryan and I worked together to create a new project on DonorsChoose to help bring escape rooms, BreakoutEDU, and prizes to my classroom. We’d use all of the materials to assemble and create our own BreakoutEDU challenges for my students. Because this project was initiated by a student, all donations will be doubled. Yes, DOUBLED! That means that we need only half of the listed amount to make this project a reality. If you are interested in helping us take on this new challenge, any amount donated would be appreciated. Even $1 would help because we’d actually get $2 towards our goal! Thank you for your consideration 🙂
