CEE’s 2018 Survey of our States

Each year, the Council for Economic Education publishes the Survey of our States, a status report of personal finance and economics education in our schools.

We’ve come a long way in the journey, but we still have a long way to go. Financial literacy is such an important topic to teach our children. Our students need to learn about financial responsibility. It must be prioritized in our schools. I am proud that my students see the importance of this topic. They sign up for the Personal Finance elective at an impressive rate at my school, but we still don’t reach every student. Sadly, this is the case at many schools in my state.

Massachusetts does not have a requirement at this time for financial literacy or economics. We are working on that though! If you feel strongly about the subject, I’d encourage you to write to the Education Committee co-chairs (Alice Peisch and Sonia-Chang Diaz), or contact your local legislator. Additional information can be found in this blog post I wrote for the Massachusetts Business Educators Association:  Help support the financial literacy push in MA!  Here are links to the two bills that we support:

  • SB249 – Sen. Eldridge, James (D) – An Act relative to financial literacy in schools
  • HB261 – Rep. Gregoire, Danielle (D) – An Act relative to financial literacy in schools


I have inserted the full report below for your convenience. You may also access it HERE on the CEE’s website.
