The summer days are numbered and it will soon be time for another school year to begin. With each school year comes the excitement of new students, classroom innovations, and professional development opportunities.
I am devoted to being a connected educator! My Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) have helped me grow as an educator and I wouldn’t be where I am without them. I participate in several for different topics (linked below). As great as it is to learn from my PLNs, it’s so important for me to share with my colleagues as well. Along the same lines, I learned very early in my career that “if you don’t tell your story, someone else will” . . . or even worse, no one else will. I will continue using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and this site to share all of the exciting things that happen in my classroom and beyond. Those experiences are important to bring to the other educators in my PLNs. Nothing makes me happier than when something I’ve shared sparks a conversation.
As an added bonus, sharing my experiences through social media helps keep the community informed of the great student accomplishments in my classroom. It’s a win-win in my book.
PLNs I love: