The Great Oreo Matchup of 2022!

March 6th is Oreo Day! Oreo turned 110 years old in 2022. Oreo Day is the perfect opportunity to tie in many business concepts in Entrepreneurship while also having a bit of fun. I introduced my students to Oreo Day with an interactive Nearpod containing a quiz on real or fake Oreo flavors, a video of expanding the Oreo brand into China, SWOT analysis, and a preview of their Oreo design project. Students were then tasked with creating their own brand new Oreo flavor! I didn’t tell them why they were creating their own Oreo flavors, a teacher has to keep some secrets up her sleeve! I did, however, let my students sample the special edition 110 Birthday Oreos. 😀

Once all of the flavors were created and shared via Padlet (shelf-setup by class), students voted for their favorite flavors. I took the top sixteen Oreo designs and set up the Great Oreo Matchup of 2022! Oreo Day just happens to fall within March and March Madness was upon us, so it was perfect timing for some brackets.

I created a Smore page to share all information related to the Great Oreo Matchup of 2022 and distributed it to my students, parents, the community via their Facebook group, my colleagues, and asked my principal to share it in the weekly newsletter to all families. It was a big hit, similar to when I did the March Madness Eats in 2020 when were initially sent home for the pandemic.

The Smore page delivered images of the sixteen Oreo flavors, a blank bracket lineup of the sixteen Oreo flavors (matchups were selected at random), links to the voting in Google Forms, and the results as we moved through the rounds (shown below).

  • Sweet 16: through Sunday (3/11 – 3/13) | FINAL SCORES
  • Elite 8: Monday (3/14) – Tuesday (3/15) | FINAL SCORES
  • Final 4: Wednesday (3/16) – Thursday (3/17) | FINAL SCORES
  • Championship: Friday (3/18) – Sunday (3/20) | FINAL SCORES


I gave the winner a prize bag with the components of her Twix Oreos!

I had so much fun with this project and will definitely do it again next year! 👍



⭐ I would like to thank my fellow business educators in the Business Educators Facebook group for sharing materials related to Oreo Day. They shared their materials openly for the use by other educators. I took those materials and modified them for my own use. Although I’m not sure who created the materials originally, I want to be transparent about the fact that I did not create the materials in their original form but did alter them to add content. Better together!