NextGen Personal Finance has done it again! They are recognizing their “highly credentialed teachers who have achieved the status of NGPF Distinguished Educator by earning any combination of 6 or more NGPF Certifications.” I’ve taken all twelve of their certification courses to date and will eagerly sign up for any new courses day come down the pike! I feel truly blessed to have crossed paths with NGPF at the Jump$tart National Educator Conference in 2015. NGPF unlocked a world of support, professional development, curriculum, friendships, and more for me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 🙌
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Congratulations to all 21 Distinguished Educators in Massachusetts! 👏👏👏
- Amy Dolan, Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School (MA)
- Cale Moore, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (MA)
- Carin Zinter, Holyoke Community College (MA)
- Christina Gamble, Sutton High School (MA)
- Edi Naco, Doherty Memorial High School (MA)
- Heather Pintal, Dracut High School (MA)
- Jacqueline Collins, Mansfield High School (MA)
- Janice Skalaban, Marblehead High School (MA)
- Jason Winchell, Blue Hills Regional High School (MA)
- Jenny Trieu, Boston Community Leadership Academy (MA)
- Jessica Murray, Wachusett Regional High School (MA)
- Jim Irzyk, Wilbraham Monson Academy (MA)
- JoAnn MacPherson, Mansfield High School (MA)
- Karin McDonough, Holbrook Middle-High School (MA)
- Kelle Griffin, Brookline High School (MA)
- Lisa Sypek, Sutton High School (MA)
- Luisa Antonucci, Granby Jr/Sr High School (MA)
- Nicole Bedard, Lowell High School (MA)
- Randy Gordon, Northampton High School (MA)
- Susan Comparato, Swampscott High School (MA)
- Wendy Pisciotta, Monson High School (MA)