Personal Finance


Course Description:

This course will give students an introduction to important financial literacy topics so that they are prepared to make informed decisions in the real world! The material will be taught through hands-on activities, simulations, personal stories from Mrs. Prester, class discussions, video clips, and current events.

Topics covered will include:

  • Introduction: Behavioral Finance
  • Taxes
  • Checking
  • Saving
  • Paying for College
  • Types of Credit
  • Managing Credit
  • Investing
  • Insurance
  • Budgeting

All students will be given the opportunity to take the W!se financial literacy certification exam, free of charge!

My students will have money in the future. It could be $50 or $1 million. I want them to take Personal Finance with me so they can get everything they want out of that money!
– Mrs. Prester



The Evolution of Financial Literacy in Massachusetts

Mrs. Prester has been a vocal advocate of financial literacy education for years. She has worked with many organizations to bring attention to the need for financial literacy education for all. Massachusetts recently established financial literacy standards within the 2018 History and Social Science Framework, and additional standards signed into law by Governor Baker via Chapter 438, An Act Relative to Financial Literacy In Schools. Licensed Massachusetts Business educators are tested on financial literacy subject material through the MTEL exam (subject area 19). Many also pursue targeted certification through the W!se Personal Finance Certification and professional development opportunities such as the Jump$tart National Educator Conference, the only national conference for classroom teachers dedicated to personal finance education.


The Massachusetts 2018 History and Social Science Framework‘s High School Standards for Personal Financial Literacy (pages 173-175) include the following topics, largely based upon the National Standards for Financial Literacy from the Council for Economic Education. :

  • Topic 1. Earning and spending income
  • Topic 2. Saving money
  • Topic 3. Using credit and making investments
  • Topic 4. Protecting and insuring assets


On January 10, 2019, Governor Baker signed Chapter 438, An Act Relative to Financial Literacy In Schools (formerly Bill S.2374, An Act Relative to Financial Literacy In Schools). Section 1Q. States: (a) Financial literacy standards established pursuant to section 1D shall promote an understanding of personal finances including, but not limited to:

  • (i) loans;
  • (ii) interest and interest accrual;
  • (iii) credit card debt;
  • (iv) online commerce;
  • (v) rights and responsibilities of renting or buying a home;
  • (vi) saving, investing and planning for retirement;
  • (vii) the role of banking and financial services;
  • (viii) balancing a checkbook;
  • (ix) state and federal taxes;
  • (x) charitable giving;
  • (xi) evaluating media content, including online content, that relates to personal finance matters;
  • (xii) saving, investing and planning for higher education or professional training.